14 weeks
How far along: 14 weeks, 6 days
Total Weight Gain: I'll find out tomorrow.
Stretchmarks: One that I had before on my hip is getting red... maybe means its getting worse?
Sleep: Still good. Need my body pillow though.
Best Moment This Week: My also pregnant coworker finding out the sex of her baby. Not significant for me, exactly, but that jut means its that much closer to when I find out mine! (We're 3 weeks apart)Total Weight Gain: I'll find out tomorrow.
Stretchmarks: One that I had before on my hip is getting red... maybe means its getting worse?
Sleep: Still good. Need my body pillow though.
Cravings: Bugles. You know, those chips that are shaped like a horn? Haven't gotten my hands on any yet though. And coffee.. had a decaf Starbucks latte earlier. SO YUMMY.
Movement: Maybe.
Gender: Don't know yet.
Labor Signs: Still too early.
Belly Button: In.
What I Miss: My fat pants being fat pants... now they're regular pants.
What I am Looking Forward to: Finding out the gender. Feeling some baby kicks. My appointment tomorrow!
Milestones: Baby has doubled its weight from last week.